Meet our Talent 100 Student: Nitya
While you’re usually used to our staff and mentor blogs, we’ve decided to flip the switch so you can find out more about the students who actually study at Talent 100.
We can share their unique personalities and passions both in and outside of our classrooms.
This week we’ve been chatting to Nitya who is currently in Year 12 and studies at our Epping Learning Centre.
Which Talent 100 centre do you study in?
When did you join Talent 100?
Term 4, 2019 (Year 12)
Which year are you currently in?
Year 12 (2020)
Subjects taken at Talent 100:
Maths Advanced, Chemistry, Biology
What’s the best part about studying at Talent 100?
Studying at Talent has become one of my favourite parts of Year 12.
I have enjoyed coming into the centre, which has been a welcoming and warm learning environment. The Mentors offer an abundance of knowledge and advice, guiding me in the time leading up to the HSC.
The learning materials and extra resources have been so helpful in adding to my learning experience at Talent, and I couldn’t have asked for more.
Have you tried our holiday programs? If so, how did they benefit your learning?
I attended the 2 day UCAT Masterclass at the Epping centre in the holidays leading to the exam. The classes were extremely beneficial in going through exam-style questions and deconstructing the entire exam.
The tips I was provided with in terms of the questions to look out for and time management skills to use during the test, proved to be immensely useful to my learning.
RELATED: Meet our Talent 100 Hurstville Student – Shamika
Can you share your number one study tip?
Know your syllabus! I cannot stress enough how important knowing what you’re going to be tested on is.
Make sure all your study notes and materials are organised based on your syllabus, because in the end if you know what part of the syllabus the exam question is from, you will know how to answer the question to achieve the maximum marks.
What piece of advice would you give to other students?
Do not let a poor mark stop you from consistently working hard. Be proactive with your learning and take the feedback from assessments on board in order to improve.
Motivate yourself to consistently work hard to achieve all your goals.
What are your career aspirations after completing high school?
I would like to pursue a profession in the science field, hopefully medicine related.
If you could describe Talent in one word, what would it be?
Learn more about Nitya’s HSC journey and tuition at Talent 100 Epping by watching her video testimonial below:
Looking to boost your marks this term?
Join our community at Talent 100! We have online classes, and also face-to-face lessons at Chatswood, Epping, Hurstville, Burwood and Sydney CBD.
We can also create school-specific classes for students in Year 11 and 12! Click here to find out more about us, or call us directly on 1300 999 100 for more information.