Talent 100 Mentor
Annamaria Scarimbolo
Teaching Experience
4 Years
Learning Centre
Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences) and Bachelor of Arts

My top 5 study tips

1Ensure that you are taking care of yourself. It is important and useful to have a healthy body and mind when studying. Self care can include exercise, journaling, meditation, rest, music, or connection with friends and/or family.

2Section big tasks into small manageable steps. I make almost everything a checklist, including my study day to-do lists and my steps to completing an assignment. This increases our sense of accomplishment, motivation, and structure.

3Set a timer. I like to use the Pomodoro technique, which is 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest. During the rest time I accomplish other things like chores, snacks, tidying. A timer promotes concentration and determination.

4Read out your writing. This is in two parts: 1. If you say your ideas out loud while you are writing, it will be easier to dump them onto paper for drafting. 2. Read your draft out loud once it is done, either to yourself or to a trusted person. This will help you edit.

5Build relationships with your teachers, mentors, and other students. Reach out for help, ask questions, and do not be afraid to be wrong. We all learn from our mistakes best.

Great futures begin with great HSC results

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