Talent 100 Mentor
Joshua Li
Learning Centre
School Attended
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Doctor of Medicine at Western Sydney University
  • 100 UMAT
  • HSC All Rounder

My top 5 study tips

1Ask as many questions as you can! If your teacher can't answer them, ask another teacher. Ask friends, siblings, tutors, anybody.

2Try teaching your friends! Answer their questions! If you can understand it enough to teach somebody else, then you should ace the questions in the exam!

3Do a lot of past papers! Get familiar with the questions and how to answer them according to how many marks they're worth.

4Dig deeper into concepts to understand how and why it is so. Things become more interesting and easier to remember that way.

5Delete social media apps Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok etc. off your phone. Deactivate the accounts. Turn off notifications. Change your password so that you can't remember what it is and then reset it later on. Do whatever so you don't get distracted.

Great futures begin with great HSC results

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